Wednesday, January 14, 2009

True Story about the Nature of Superheroes

So Jacob (nephew age 5) is ALL about Spiderman. He wants to be Spiderman when he grows up. After seeing Spiderman 3 he decides for certain he wants to be red Spiderman (the good guy). That's encouraging. Spiderman 3 got a lot of flack from comic hipsters for its black and white moralistic themes, but it has been useful in talking to Jacob about the nature of forgiveness and strength.

But one day he proclaims "I am red Spiderman! Issac is black Spiderman! Let's fight!" Issac (nephew age 3) loves to fight too, but I say "No way Jose! Isaac is not a bad guy. He can't be black Spiderman."

"Well then who is he?" Jacob asks.

"Uh... Issac will be Batman." I say.

"Okay, I am red Spiderman. Issac is Batman. Let's fight!" And so it goes. :-)

But a while later Jacob asks me "Well who are you, Uncle Michael?"

I think for a minute, then stand up strait and strong saying, "I am Superman!"

"Okay," Jacob says, "Let's fight."

Next week I take the boys to Crossroads and afterwards am giving Nate a ride to work. Nate is wearing a Superman shirt; Jacob sees this and confronts me with dread seriousness.

"You aren't Superman!" he says with accusation. "He is!"

Well this will not stand. Monday I actually pay full price for a piece of non-work related clothing and buy a Superman shirt. I wear it next Sunday but on the way I find out that Isaac has fallen out a window! I rush to the hospital worried sick and when I see him in the hospital bed it is only worse. His face is a cut up and he is doped up and I am tearing up just thinking about it.

I gently take his hand filled with pain. He looks up at me with wonder in his eyes and says "Superman?"

We smile in spite ourselves and I says "Yes, it's Superman."

Then his eyes squint dangerously and he half says and half growls "I'm Batman!"

I knew he was okay.

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