Monday, January 19, 2009

Calvinism Continued

So I am currently at chapter 12 of "The Basic Ideas of Calvinism 6th ed." and find myself not just agreeing with Calvinism but enjoying their style. It is pretty rare for a text book to get points for style but all that really means is that sometimes the author will say things I have also said.

For example concerning the chapter "The Best Form of Government" that author says "The best guarantee of the workability of a government lies not in its form (monarchy, aristocracy, or democracy) but in the moral and spiritual fiber of its people. With good people almost any kind of government will work. With absolutely depraved people no type will work." I've long defended that view and enjoy hearing someone else say it.

As for the controversial beliefs of Calvinism I will comment. But in my own tip of the hat to Calvinist methods am not commenting on the truth of the doctrine but upon its Biblical-ness:

Foundational Principle: So the basis of Calvinism is declared to be the sovereignty of God. In the text all denominations are ascribed a basis that is more like a prejudice or special emphasis. For example Baptist might emphasis conversion, Pentecostals the Holy Spirit, Roman Catholics the unity/catholicity of the but Calvinist believe that the most important Christian principle is the truth that God is in complete absolute control of everything and that nothing is out of His control.

I can imagine the dangers of each of these position. The Baptist who says "Don't worry about me I accepted Christ years ago." The Pentecostal who feels the Holy Spirit wants them to have sex with their girlfriend. The Roman Catholic who obeys a Papal decree despite its obvious ungodliness. The Calvinist who refuses charity to the oppressed because it must be God's will. But like with form of government these denominations are great if they are practiced by faithful Christians and without value if they are populated with faithless hypocrites.

If I were to present what I believe is the foundational, most important first principle of the Bible it would not be the sovereignty of God, but the identity of God. Sovereignty is a part of the identity of God, so is salvation, Spirit and unity of believers but the foundation of God is "I AM." It is not God's sovereignty that is first but God Himself.

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