Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"The Basic Ideas of Calvinism- ch.2 The Place of the Bible"

"If God is the all controlling thought in the [Christian] system [as opposed to God and some other equally important principle], it is natural then that the [Christian] will want to see all things as God wants him to see them and aim to carry out God's will in all things. From this fact one can readily infer what place the Bible will occupy in the system and the life of the [Christian]. He will make God's Word the canon, which means the rule, for his life. It will be the rule of faith (which guides his intellect) and practice (which determines his daily duty)."

I replaced the word "Calvinist" with "Christian" as seen in the brackets. Up to this point in the book I have yet to encounter any position which I do not consider the definition of what it means to be a Christian.

I interjected the line "as opposed to God and some other equally important principle" because I have encountered plenty of people who are supportive of Christianity as far as it supports their co-principle. So a Republican or Communist might quote from the Bible but is not troubled by parts of the Bible which do not support their view. It is my belief that the contemporary danger within the church is not paganism or outright rejection of God but a half-allegience where God is tolerated as opposed to obeyed.

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