Friday, July 16, 2010

Jesse's Bible Study

So I've made Jesse's Bible study on Tuesday nights my regular small group Bible Study. In a weird way I feel like a loser because I need someone else's small group rather being so awesome I can make my own small group. But like Marssellus Wallace said "that's just pride [cussing] with you." In another weird way I feel like I am imposing but "cuss pride."

It is neat to go to someone else's Bible study because they ask questions and see perspectives I wouldn't normally ask or see. For example when reading about Ezra the High Priest Jesse asked us what sort of thing did Ezra do, that we as Christians who are priests, also are called to do. I guess application is not one of my strong points... not asking questions either.

I've had a sort of renaissance of post-exile understanding. Certainly that is a esoteric field of knowledge but it sets the scene for the Israel that Jesus will be born in.

I've heard the history of humanity as described in the Bible put in a neat little alliteration: creation, curse, covenant, Christ, church. I would add "kingdom" and "collapse" between covenant and Christ.

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