Monday, July 12, 2010

If You Can Laugh About It You're Okay

So when Jenny told me that she didn't think the relationship was going to be able to go any further I was surprised and disappointed but not horrified or depressed. We were both really careful about our hearts when it was good and bad. I am actually impressed with how God has changed my heart since Michelle. That was a shorter courtship but knocked me on my butt for a good year. It's a week later and though I still have lingering thoughts I'd say the only reason I'm not back on Eharmony is because of the price tag (if any decent souls want to take a collection that will be cool).

The hardest part I think was having to tell Gramps. I think he really had his hopes up. He's worried he's going to die before I get married. So I go over to tell him on the pretense of getting plums and hang out for a bit to just shoot the breeze with him and My Ling. He asks the normal question: why. I never ask a girl breaking up with me why. I'm surprised that so many people think it would be a legitimate thing to say to someone telling you they are breaking up with you. I know I have character flaws but I'd much rather hear about them close friends, family, the Bible my conscience, coworkers, talk show hosts, random strangers and terrorists than from the girl breaking up with me.

I share my insecurity that it is about how much money I make how it looks bad that I've spent the last ten years working in a restaurant. Then My Ling puts in her two cents saying "No, she doesn't break up with you because you're poor... she breaks up with you because you're ugly!" And then she laughs and laughs. I also laugh and if you can laugh about it you're okay.

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