Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Beach Boys vs. The Beatles

Once, years ago, Nate and I were argueing over who was more influential The Beatles or The Beach Boys. John Pack, who would normally stay out of these kinds of arguements, gave a common sense answer the ended the discussion. He said "In most things like there is room for more than one opinion, but in this case you just have to admit it is the The Beatles."


Though there ought to be no doubt who was/is the "bigger" band there is something than has always been prickling at me.

Through out my teen years I exalted in the later greater Beatles albums. There are few bands who I can identify their songs based on the context of the album it came out from. I mean all Pearl Jam feel pretty close to the same to me... though I guess I might be able to distinguish some of the difference with a little effort. However there is something in The Beatles missing that is not missing from The Beach Boys.

The Beatles have blown my mind... but I have never in my life listened to a Beatles song and felt sympathy from the song. I have never felt like "A Day in the Life" let alone "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." But with the Beach Boys I have listened to songs (Pet Sounds in particular) and though it described ways that I have felt.

The Beatles are beatiful like an exotic bird but The Beach Boys is emotionally familiar and accessible. The Beach Boys says more about my life then the Beatles.

Maybe it is an American vs British thing.

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